20th Gathering — Celebrating with Gratitude

March 23-25, 2018
Villa Maria Del Mar, Santa Cruz, CA
The Gathering is only 7 months away, and we are excited about seeing many of our close Julian Teachings friends again.

How better to acknowledge the 20th anniversary of The Gathering than by Celebrating with GratitudeAnd, we plan on making sure that all we get an opportunity to be grateful for the beach, our friends, our lives, the Julian teachings, and the great March California weather (with fingers crossed). 

To support our theme, Anne Claire Venemans (www.mysticanneclaire.com) has created a beautiful and powerful mandala for the event. The symbology behind the design runs deep, and Anne Claire explains it in detail in this audio file. Check it out.

We are cultivating a set of fun activities that we can all participate in before, during, and after The Gathering. We will revealing more about them in the near future. However, we can tell you now that we have a fine lineup of talented speakers who are all excited about being part of the event. We will be introducing them to you one by one over the next couple of weeks.

Help us celebrate this momentous occasion. We would be most grateful if you would attend.

Click here  for the full brochure and registration form.

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