
I wanted to write one last entry before we meet again in Monterey Ca…

But I have come to the end of notes on ‘Julian wisdom’ from Gatherings past ~ and so I decided to just sit with it for a little bit, then open my notebook, and see what is there.

It opened in the middle of my notes of a workshop Julian taught in California in April of 2002: ‘Revising Your Reality’


Rigidity is the worst enemy in this point in time. You have to be able to keep moving and changing.We are moving into:

  • Full vibratory rate
  • Full light
  • Full potential

Let go of probabilities ~ don’t let yourself be afraid of them ~ and focus on possibilities. Make the energy work for you. But also recognize that as long as you are ignoring your intuition, you are going to struggle. Recognize and let go of the negative emotional aspects of the self.
Accept what is there right now, and accept what it can become.

Consider the following words when you encounter a problem, puzzle or change:

  • Why?
  • My choice
  • Other’s direction
  • Emotion
  • Physical ability
  • Environment
  • Fulfillment

It’s a possibility coming into being…

Anne Claire