20th Gathering Presenter — Anne Claire Venemans

Last week, we introduced Sam Holland as a presenter for the 20th Gathering of Light. This week, we are proud to announce that Anne Claire Venemans will also be joining us as a presenter.

Workshop Topic: Signals and Symbols

We all get signs and signals every day that ~ as soon as we choose to listen to them ~ can help us on our path through life. The same is true for symbols. When I work with symbols in a piece of jewelry that I create for a specific person, the way that symbol “behaves” as I work with it gives me insights into how that person works with that symbol. More precisely, it gives me the energy the symbol stands for in their life.

It seems that, as we take more and more responsibility for our lives, those signals and symbols are given to us more frequently. So, what are those signals and symbols, and how do we benefit from them on our path?  This workshop will help you discover the answers for yourself.

About Anne Claire

Anne Claire has always had a mystical approach toward nature and life in general. She has used this perspective in the Mystical Jewelry that she has created since 1984. She met Sam Holland in 1994, and it didn’t take her long to get introduced to and become extremely interested in June and Julian’s teachings.

Anne Claire teaches classes and workshops that work with Universal energies in a very practical way, making each workshop an exploration of self and one’s personal spiritual path. She is also qualified to teach TE and the Mystical Magus courses. Anne Claire co-authored Sacred Spaces and their Universal Connection with Sam Holland. And, twice a week she posts in her blog Thinking out Loud.

Anne Claire has had the opportunity to be taught by Julian on the meaning of shapes and symbols, both in the energy seals Julian gave, as well as in divination, which led her to develop Discs, an Ancient Shamanic Way to Gain Insight  (available on Amazon).

Over the years, Anne Claire’s Mystical Jewelry designs evolved through the influence of June and Julian’s teachings. She also began exploring the symbolic significance of mandalas, adding the service of drawing Personal Empowerment Mandalas upon request. The mandala for the 20th Gathering that you see in the header of this message is a great sample of her work. (Click here for an audio description of the mandala).

For more information about Anne Claire and her mystical work, visit http://www.taliswoman.me/ or http://www.mysticpath.com.

Click here for full 20th Gathering of Light Brochure and Registration form.

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