19th Gathering of Light hosted by Practical Working Magus group

The group hosting The 19th Gathering is pictured here.

Magus Group

Right to left: Jill Albano, Mary Ellen Lamvermeyer, Jill Rossi, Janice Healy, Saul, Natalie Bausone, & Antonio Bausone.

They have been studying the spiritual teachings of Julian with their teachers, Saul and Joy Srour (until Joy’s transition in 2007), for almost 11 years. The group began as a larger weekly meditation group. These six members continue to study and practice the Self Awareness Development course created by Julian. The classes meet monthly and are filled with ancient knowledge, laughter and affection, and are on-going.

Through their personal efforts at applying those teachings, they were deemed ready to begin the Practical Working Magus studies. Their Magus Study group, known as ‘The Magi of the Rising Sun,’ has been meeting monthly since January 2015. Both the Self Awareness and Magus Study classes are on-going, meeting bi-monthly, and the group continues to cultivate their knowledge and awareness of the cosmos and its phenomena and to spread “Seeds of Light.”

Click on link for flyer :

19th Gathering Brochure_v6


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