The Seven-Year Cycles

You enter the world as an energy, totally aware, totally open and totally knowledgeable.  Everything you need to achieve the goals in your life is given to you. You go through rounds of seven.  The seven-year cycles are a flow, a rhythm.  It is something not cut and dried.  You may feel it coming or going two years in advance or two years later as it builds, peaks, and wanes.

The seven-year cycles are an evolutionary spiral.  They belong to every being that has ever been created.  There is no one that does not go through with them.  Every seven years there is, within the system, a total change.  It is a soul’s demand to be seen as an individual, not as a collective.   At each seven-year round, there is an aggressiveness equal to the level of physical energy released.  That aggressiveness, if treated with respect and guided, can become a very powerful tool in the life of the individual.  If on the other hand, it is treated as a case of leprosy, if the individuals are shoved aside and not listened to, then there is going to be a buildup of that energy added to the next seven-year cycle.

In each seven-year cycle there is a complete body chemistry change and a need for unfoldment , a release from preconceived attitudes.  This gives a freedom which permits major change in attitudes, in relationships, and in career.

Each energy cycle is one of movement in relationship to man’s cycle of growth.  Man has been given everything he needs to make all the changes he wants to make in himself and his life, provided he listens to the reality of the inner self and is not guided solely by the external self.  The external guidance will have to do with the ego.  Ego permits you to move forward.  Without it, you might become too passive, but your inner reality guides you from your highest space.  The point is that there is a natural release of energy every seven years which encourages you to move forward and make changes.  It helps keeps you from getting stuck in a rut.  Flow with these cycles and you will find change less fearful.

Self-Discovery and Manifestation – Chapter II, The Seven-Year Cycles

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