
Today I picked up the book: ‘Self-discovery & Manifestation’. There was something about the seven-year-cycles I wanted to re-read…

Here is what Julian mentioned about the seven-year cycles; and the first seven year cycle in particular:

The seven-year cycles are a flow, a rhythm ~ they are an evolutionary spiral. They belong to every being that has ever been created. Every seven years there is within the system a total change.

By the age of five there begins an aggressiveness that says “No!” By the age of seven you have begun to put a rationale with the aggressiveness: “No, because…”
It is really something very magical that is talking. It is the inner self saying that you are a being who must hold on to your identity. Although you are pliable, you must not permit yourself to be shaped and molded to that which you, in reality, are not.

This year it is five years ago that June passed over “Into my world” as Julian used to say. That makes the Julian Teachings as an organization a five year old, starting to express its own identity. This new website is certainly proof of that!

In the advisory board we strive to help Saul take stock of all the material that has accumulated over the forty + years that June and Julian have taught us ~ as well as explore what directions are open to go from here.

In other words, we are discovering our identity as an organization, and where we want to permit to grow and evolve this identity.

To me this is an exiting process! I can hardly wait to see where it is going ~ to see where it is taking the Julian Teachings. How we, as an organization will grow up. And what we will accomplish in the world.

Julian used to tell us to put our goals as high as we could imagine, and to know that that would just be the first step… To imagine all that we can be, and to realize that we can be even more…

Funny thing is that the last couple of months or so, I have woken up a number of times with ‘Julian quotes’ in my mind. Throughout the years there have been many quotes; little pearls of wisdom that are as true today as they were then…

I would like to invite you to submit your favorite Julian quote!


  1. Hello!
    What great insight, Anne Claire. I hadn’t thought to relate the growth of the organization to the seven year cycles Julian spoke of. Now that you’ve pointed it out, I think you are right on. We are seeking our identity and discovering where we will grow from here. I agree that it is a very exciting process and look forward to us all working together to move forward!

    My favorite Julian quote? Here goes:

    “Believe in yourself, for you are worth believing in. Trust yourself, for you are worth trusting in. And above all, love yourself, for you are so worth loving.”

  2. My favorite Julian quote? That’s a tough question, so I’ll just pick one good one.

    “You are blessed and you are loved.”

    I use this personally when I feel out of balance. Maybe something happened that got me off balance, or maybe I just realize that I’m not at 100% for some reason. It always helps.

    I also use it when I see anger or sadness or whatever in other people. I recently saw a mother yelling at her daughter in the small park near our house. As I jogged by them on my morning run, I sent a “You are blessed and you are loved” intention to each of them.

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